This year’s ‘APIdays’ organised by the National Union of French Apiculture (UNAF) will be celebrated in the Principality on Friday June 24 and Saturday June 25 from 09:00 until 16:00.
A partnership with UNAF was signed in 2005 and several hives were installed on the roof terrace of the Museum of Stamps and Coins in Fontvieille, which is monitored by UNAF, assisted by a team from the Gardens section of the Urban Planning department.
There will be free entertainment, for young and old, in the UNESCO Garden on the terraces of Fontvieille. This will be an opportunity for beekeepers to raise awareness about the fundamental role of the bee, the importance of its protection and the development of French beekeeping.
This year the chosen theme is “The flower, the bee and… Man”. On the program: a presentation of the benefits of melliferous plants; an exhibition on the “History of bees”; natural wax candle-making workshops, observations to better identify wasps, hornets, and bees; and discussions with the lead beekeeper who will extract honey; games and other quizzes…
FILE PHOTO: The humble Irish honey bee