The Pelagos Agreement, the tripartite pact between France, Italy and Monaco aimed at protecting marine mammals in the Sanctuary of the same name, is becoming involved in the digital domain with the Monaco Metaverse to reach and involve a wider audience.

This is an avant-garde initiative to create an immersive, educational and fun experience to challenge especially younger generations on the importance of marine mammal conservation. Thanks to innovative technologies and interactive stories, users will embark on a virtual and immersive journey between Nice, Monaco and Genoa to explore the diversity of marine life that thrives in the Pelagos Sanctuary and understand its daily challenges.

Viola Cattani, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Pelagos Agreement, expresses her enthusiasm for this project: “the Pelagos Agreement is very attentive to communication and awareness-raising actions, the project ambition of the Dworld metaverse fits perfectly with our objectives of raising awareness among future generations regarding the conservation of the Sanctuary and the protection of its inhabitants. In fact this space belongs to everyone and as such everyone can and must do their part to preserve it…”

It is during the prestigious “Monaco Ocean Week” dedicated to the protection and conservation of the Oceans that this innovative project will be revealed. Educational content will soon be available on the website. the Pelagos Agreement and integrated into presentations made in schools, which will allow students to Monaco and around the world have access to this immersive learning experience.

Manila Di Giovanni, CEO of Dworld, highlights the importance of using virtual environments for educational purposes by declaring “the Monaco metaverse offers a unique opportunity to transcend geographical boundaries, to create new opportunities for collaboration between Monaco entities and to involve the public in a meaningful way. Thanks to this collaboration we aspire to inspire future generations to become ardent defenders of marine conservation.”

PHOTO: Courtesy of Tethys Research Institute