Just two months ago the elected National Council rejected a government proposal for a new waste treatment plant to replace the present one inaugurated in 1980. However, this week they approved an incineration plant that will significantly reduce harmful emissions.
The Monaco sanitation department (SMA), and the power company (SMEG), have come up with a plan to build the plant with the name Symbiosis. First discussed by a special commission, the plan came before Monday’s meeting of the National Council and received general approval.
Balthazar Seydoux said: “For the first time, a concrete and achievable project has been presented.”
Minister of State Pierre Dartout added: “This operation will limit polluting discharges and will divide them by two to 10 times compared to today. It will be a major instrument to achieve our greenhouse gas reduction objectives, by extracting residual plastics from our household waste.”
According to Monaco’s Statistical Office (IMSEE), waste treatment and energy recovery represent 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Monaco.
Jean-Louis Grinda called the new project “A real step forward,” but noted that it’s impossible to build an incineration plant with zero emissions.
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FILE PHOTO: National Council building