The Italian government announced on Monday evening the extension of the “protected area” to the entire country, a measure that prohibits the movement of people except for reasons of health, necessity or for work, Monaco’s Government said on Tuesday, March 10.
Nearly 4,200 transalpine workers work in Monaco in the private and public sectors. The Prince’s Government, which is contact with the Italian authorities in order to measure the scope of these decisions, can give assurances that they do not impact the many employees resident in Italy who come daily to work in Monaco.
The vast majority of Italian nationals come from the Ventimiglia region, an area that has never been included in high-risk areas.
The Prince’s Government has also confirmed with the French authorities that workers coming from Italy to Monaco can cross French territory. The Alpes-Maritimes prefecture has confirmed that the Franco-Italian borders remain open. Access to French territory is therefore not limited.
The Government has also informed the social partners of these details, which should therefore not change the daily lives of workers from Italy and their employers. The Prince’s Government maintains permanent contact with the Italian and French authorities in order to assess potential developments in the situation.
ORIGINAL SOURCE: Monaco Government Press Service