In June 2023, Monaco activated a new water source, the Annonciade well, tapping into the historic Vaulabelle spring, which had been out of use since the 1990s. This rediscovered well now supplies Monaco with between 25 and 50 cubic meters of water per hour, bolstering the Principality’s independence from French water sources and ranking among its most prolific supplies.

The Annonciade well’s story traces back to the late 19th century, when water from the Vaulabelle spring flowed abundantly from land in the Moulins district. Despite its early importance, the spring went dormant around 1999 after nearby construction at the Grimaldi Forum compromised the water quality, rendering it brackish. Efforts to reestablish a reliable local water source began anew in 2018, with Société Monégasque des Eaux (Smeaux) assembling a team led by hydrogeologist Bruno Canaleta to assess the possibility of reactivating the spring upstream.

Smeaux eventually located the ideal spot for drilling near the Annonciade Chapel. After preliminary tests and drilling in 2022, the Annonciade well was officially commissioned on June 29, 2023, linking it to Smeaux’s network via a 600-meter pipeline. Early tests show promising flow rates and stable water quality, particularly during Monaco’s record drought conditions, indicating the well’s substantial long-term potential.

“It will take years to fully understand this source,” said Smeaux’s Deputy Director Marine Péglion, noting that continuous monitoring is in place. Initial data suggests a unique resilience to local storms, hinting that its source may lie in distant snowpacks in Monaco’s hinterland.

The resurgence of the Vaulabelle spring brings relief as Monaco strives to reduce its reliance on water imports from France, which still account for the majority of supply. Smeaux forecasts that by 2024, Monaco will produce approximately 43 percent of its own water.

However, upcoming development projects in the Annonciade district could threaten the stability of this new source. Smeaux’s CEO Manuel Nardi emphasised the importance of taking precautions to ensure that the Annonciade well remains a lasting asset to Monaco’s water supply.