The first edition of the ‘Chokolashow’ was a resounding success, as chocolate sculptures of legendary Formula 1 cars taking part in the Historic Grand Prix were unveiled in the Riva Tunnel, before being auctioned off in support of eight local charities.

HSH Prince Albert and his children, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella visited the inaugural Chokolashow, and even got involved. The Princely family took turns engraving their signatures into a block of chocolate, which was also sold to the highest bidder.

On May 2, eight students from the Pavillon Bosio and the Sanremo Academy of Fine Arts were handed a 12kg block of chocolate to turn into their own impression of a race car from yesteryear. As is the case in the Historic GP, there could only be one winner, and third year Pavillon Bosio student Valentine Trassy stole the Chokolashow with an accurately carved Maserati 250f (below).

The auction on Thursday, May 9 saw the eight competing sculptures, and the Princely chocolate block, bring in a total sum of 5,000 euros for local charity associations chosen by Prince Albert, marking a successful first Chokolashow and certainly not the last, as next year’s event will see chocolate sculptors take on the theme of yachting.

Organised by the Monaco International Hub association, this event was chaired by journalist and Monaco resident, Maria Bologna.

Featured image courtesy of Chokolashow