Minister of Health and Social Affairs Mr Christophe Robino met students and interns in medicine and pharmacy on Thursday, September 7, to discuss the Principality’s future needs.
Mr Robino wanted the meeting to take place during the French national selection procedure. of positions for students who have passed the ECNi in 2023 and ahead of Monaco for Employment”– 1st Recruitment Forum – in which the CHPG will participate.
This meeting with students from the 2nd to the 6th year of medicine, the medical interns and future pharmacists, aims to raise their awareness of the medical and pharmaceutical specialties which are and will be promising in the coming years in Monaco, both in city practices and in health establishments in the Principality, without forgetting the essential medical positions within the administrative services.
The Minister interacted, in person and virtually, with medical and pharmacy students from the Principality and invited them to discuss with representatives of the Council of the Order of Physicians, the Council of the Order of Pharmacists, the Management of the Princess Grace Hospital Centre, the Health Action Directorate and the Commission for the Integration of Graduates in order to enlighten them on the current healthcare offer in Principality and its future needs.
Mr Robino concluded the discussion by recalling that “sustainability and excellence of our health system involves the recruitment of professionals trained and prepared to practice in our care establishments or in town. Supporting our students in their studies is therefore essential.”
ORIGINAL SOURCE & PHOTO: Monaco Government Press Service