Lucy Coote writes in memory of Glenn Weiss, a long-time Monaco resident.
‘Our Glenn’ unexpectedly and suddenly passed away just before Christmas. In true Glenn style, he even managed to do that quietly and alone. Never one to make a fuss, he slipped away from this world in his own Glenny way.
An American citizen and long-standing resident of Monaco, Glenn was a real character and had a very particular sense of humour. He found great amusement in the mundane traits and habits of others, because, truth be told, he was rather eccentric himself, caring not a jot what others thought of him but a loyal friend to his close circle of friends.
He was totally unconventional, disliked rules and regulations and, despite being a maritime and admiralty lawyer himself, quite enjoyed a bit of confrontation with the law. A few years back he spent a handful of nights in the Monaco jail for driving his scooter home from some late-night joint after one too many. Once he had been released, he happily told anyone that asked that it was quite an enlightening experience as he’d learnt a fair amount of “interesting stuff” from his fellow inmates!
Glenn regularly frequented the ex-pat watering holes of Slammers and Rascasse, and previously the old Columbus bar and Stars n’Bars. You’d find him hanging out in his usual corner, hat on, thick-rimmed glasses on, downing a beer or two with his wry smile and dead-pan look just quietly taking it all in.
Nothing made him happier, however, than climbing onto his BMW touring bike or getting into his beloved Land Rover ready to embark on a multi-country adventure with just the mere basics and himself for company. His idea of the perfect night was rigging up the roof tent on his 4×4 and lying there on the top of his Landy, a beer in one hand, rolled-up cigarette in the other, looking up at the stars.
As we bid Glenn our final farewells, it’s fair to say that Monaco has lost a real character, a very clever and witty guy who enjoyed the simple pleasures in life. These qualities are rare to find and many people in Monaco and beyond will miss him dearly.
Text: Lucy Coote. PHOTOS: Provided