An exhibition celebrating the wonders and diversity of the Polar regions opens on Saturday. June 4, at the Oceanographic Museum and lasts two years.
Once again the Oceanographic has surpassed itself with the scope and range of its exhibits.
No mention of the Poles is complete, of course, without the acknowledgement of the role of man in their degradation, as pointed out by the Oceanographic Institute’s CEO Robert Calcagno, in his welcoming address to a select group of visitors on Thursday evening.

CFM-Indosuez CEO Mathieu Ferragut added that finance is key to sustainable development. The bank has been a partner with the Museum since January 1, 2020, just before the pandemic hit, and is enthusiastically engaged on a long-term basis.
CFM-Indosuez has also offered its clients the opportunity to take part in sustainable projects in support of the Oceanographic. Last year the bank donated 171,000 euros to the Museum in lieu of fees. A new bond will be issued this year to help fund research projects.
Polar Mission has five sections: Explorers of yesterday and today, the Inuits, Discover the secrets of the North and South Poles, Immersion in the natural surroundings of the Poles, and Understanding the challenges of Polar research.
TOP PHOTO: Oceanographic Institute’s CEO Robert Calcagno (left), with CFM-Indosuez CEO Mathieu Ferragut