According to a lengthy report in local French daily Monaco Matin on Thursday, December 9, the Government is preparing the introduction of a new type of Health Pass that will be valid only within the Principality and based on a blood test showing a high level of coronavirus antibodies.
According to unidentified Government sources, the document will be on paper and the authorities are still working on finding a way to guarantee its authenticity.
The Pass will be valid for two months and will enable the holder to defer his or her third dose of vaccine.
The Scientific Centre of Monaco will be responsible for testing the blood samples. Tests already can be booked on or by contacting 92 05 55 00.
Although aspects of the report await confirmation, a uniquely Monegasque ‘blood’ Pass would enable the authorities to obtain more data on the prevalence of coronavirus in the community and identify positive cases.
The paper Pass would also more easily enable restaurants and other venues to accept or reject would-be clients at the door if the Monaco Government decides to limit access to citizens and residents.
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FILE PHOTO: A blood test phial Reuters