The Facebook group that has pressured the Government over the Health Pass has turned its attention to the wearing of masks by younger schoolchildren.
In a letter to Minister of State Pierre Dartout, the group claims that the improvement in the health situation in Monaco is such that coronavirus regulations should be relaxed. The fact that most people in the Principality have now been vaccinated should be enough to see some rules dropped, particularly the wearing of masks by elementary schoolchildren, the group argues.
To keep the Health Pass in place any longer would be “tantamount to vaccination blackmail,” the opponents say.
There are alternatives to compulsory mask-wearing, many of which have been introduced in other countries, including weekly saliva tests, daily temperature-taking and air purifiers in classrooms, the activists say.
Most French Departments have removed the need for young children to wear masks in the classroom, with an infection rate lower than 50 per 100,000 being the criterion. Monaco’s rate stood at 31.29 on Sunday, October 3.
FILE PHOTO: EasyJet tried to make children’s masks more fun