An estimated 250 protesters gathered at Place des Moulins on Thursday afternoon where several speakers from the healthcare sector spoke against the imposition of the Health Pass on nurses and other health professionals.
The National Council meets next Tuesday, September 14, without the public present, to discuss a controversial regulation that would make double vaccination of healthcare workers compulsory. The legislation would mean that healthcare workers who refused to have a course of vaccination would lose their jobs.
While the slogans on the banners repeated the messages of those who took part in last Saturday’s much larger demo, with freedom of choice and liberty the central themes, there were also more specific points made by the speakers. One nurse called into question the value of inoculation by claiming that both patients who are currently in intensive care at Princess Grace Hospital have been double-vaccinated.
A second speaker referred to the fact that tight coronavirus restrictions worldwide have had a major impact on the diagnosis and treatment of other illnesses.
A further protest, another march, is planned for Saturday, September 11.
PHOTO: Protest leader Sharon Rochetin addresses the Health Care protesters Max Brodie