In honour of Earth Day this year, on April 22, HSH Prince Albert II called for a collective mobilisation for the protection of the environment. The message was shared via the Prince Albert II Foundation’s youtube channel, and can be viewed below:
Within his message, the Sovereign spoke of the inextricable link between humanity and the Earth. “It is more necessary than ever before to take into account the needs of our planet, and I believe that this is the right time to do so,” said the Prince before adding that “We have forgotten that we owe to the biodiversity of which we are a part, to the climate which makes our life possible, to the ecosystems in which we live, to the Ocean on which we depend.”
“Our priorities are now to protect ourselves in the long term, to take care of our health, but also the health of planet Earth, to understand that the two are connected and that we have no future, and that our children will have no future if we do not protect the environment that makes our life possible.”