The Government has announced that construction work at the Larvotto renovation project will restart, as the project is “essential.”
The Government move follows an appeal from Philippe Ortelli, President of the Monaco Federation of Businesses, that construction sites should be reopened.
“Of course, the important thing is health first. But let’s not take too drastic measures, forgetting that we will have to relaunch the economic machine at full speed at the end of this crisis, to recover quickly from this social and financial shock.
“There are key sectors in our business model and for our VAT collection, and construction is one of them… I think that it is necessary for the sites to remain active as symbolic and strategic points for the economic and commercial recovery of Monaco. This building sector is a sector which could see even more bankruptcies in cascades if everything is set to zero. Hygiene and distance measures must be beyond reproach.”
Between 40 and 60 workers are expected to resume work on the major public project, due to be completed in 2022.
PHOTO: Philippe Ortelli