Traffic on the blvd. du Larvotto, the major road which runs parallel with ave. Princesse Grace, will be allowed in one direction only from Monday, July 29, until Friday, August 23, in order to facilitate work on the Testimonio II building.
From 07:30 until 11:30 each day traffic will be allowed to use the road to enter Monaco from the Menton direction. From 11:30 each day until 07:30 the following day, traffic flow will be reversed. On Saturdays and Sundays, traffic will flow in the direction Monaco to Menton.
During the long weekend in mid-August between Thursday, August 15 and Monday, August 19, traffic will be allowed in both directions.
The Testimonio II project involves the construction of 336 state-owned apartments.
PHOTO: blvd. du Larvotto, Wikimedia Commons Licence, M.Strīķis