On 24 January 2025, Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Government Counsellor-Minister for External Relations and Cooperation and Interim Minister of State, chaired a strategy meeting aimed at implementing the recommendations made by the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) as part of the 5th evaluation cycle…
The aim of this evaluation cycle, which covers the senior functions of the executive and law enforcement agencies, is to strengthen transparency, integrity and accountability mechanisms within Monaco’s institutions. The meeting on 24 January provided an opportunity to define the concrete measures to be adopted in response to GRECO’s recommendations.
A Structured Action Plan for 2025
One of the key points of this meeting was the examination of the scope and missions of the High-Level Steering Committee, the creation of which had been agreed at the previous working meeting on 6 December 2024. The purpose of this committee will be to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the reforms required to ensure that Monaco complies with international standards of good governance.
In order to ensure effective monitoring, the Monegasque authorities have adopted a detailed scorecard, including: concrete measures adapted to the Principality’s specific characteristics, a precise implementation schedule for the year 2025.
This plan will enable the recommendations to be applied rigorously, thus ensuring the continuous improvement of Monaco’s administrative and institutional practices.
Continuing the efforts already undertaken, Monaco is reaffirming its determination to comply fully with GRECO’s requirements and to strengthen confidence in its institutions.
Image: @Direction de la Communication Stéphane Danna