The CIA has revised its stance on the origin of Covid-19, now assessing with low confidence that the virus likely emerged from a laboratory incident rather than a natural transmission, according to a report by NBC News on Saturday…

This marks a shift from the agency’s previous position of uncertainty and comes shortly after John Ratcliffe’s confirmation as CIA director.

The updated assessment suggests the virus may have accidentally escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), where research on coronaviruses was being conducted. While the CIA emphasizes that both natural and research-related origins remain plausible, its lean towards a lab-based origin aligns with conclusions previously made by the FBI and the Department of Energy, both of which also favoured a laboratory-related spillover.

The origins of Covid-19 remain a contentious issue with far-reaching implications for international relations, public health policies, and scientific research practices. Proponents of the natural origin theory, such as former NIAID head Anthony Fauci, argue the virus likely crossed from animals to humans in a Wuhan seafood market. However, sceptics point to proximity between the outbreak and WIV, along with documentation of research on similar viruses, as evidence supporting a lab leak theory.

China denies a lab origin and maintains its position of uncertainty about the virus’s emergence. According to The New York Times, the CIA believes Chinese authorities may lack definitive knowledge or avoid investigating further. The latest CIA assessment, based on a re-evaluation of existing data, reflects the enduring complexity and geopolitical sensitivity surrounding the pandemic’s origins.

Photo by Daniel Schludi