On the bright morning of December 2, 2023, a serious traffic accident shook the usually tranquil streets of Monaco. On Boulevard d’Italie, a local resident in her seventies was navigating her car toward a residential driveway when the incident occurred. While making a turn, her vehicle collided with an oncoming motorcycle, propelling its driver and passenger into the air in a crash that narrowly avoided becoming a tragic disaster.
Eyewitnesses reported that the motorcyclist and passenger were flung into the air, landing meters away from the point of impact. The driver was found 6.3 meters from the bike, while the passenger lay a further 16 meters beyond. Surveillance footage confirmed that the driver made no complete stop as she entered the turn. She later claimed, however, that the motorcyclists “were far away” when she initiated her maneauver, denying responsibility and alleging the motorcyclists were speeding.
In a notable absence, the accused was not present at the court proceedings. Presiding Judge Florestan Bellinzona expressed frustration at her absence, stating, “She does not collect her letters.” This sentiment was echoed by the deputy prosecutor, who noted the missed opportunity to question the defendant about the incident.
Despite the severity of the crash, the two young victims escaped life-threatening injuries, though they suffered a range of serious fractures, bone injuries, and lacerations. The deputy prosecutor emphasised the near-disastrous outcome, stating, “We narrowly avoided disaster. A bad fall on landing, and they would no longer be here.”
The prosecutor argued that the accident stemmed from a “failure to yield” on the part of the driver, noting that the motorcyclist had attempted to avoid the vehicle but was unable to due to the driver’s sudden turn. “This driver is a danger,” the prosecutor continued, “as she misjudged both the distance and her own driving abilities, not the speed of the motorcycle.” Surveillance footage appeared to support this, showing the dramatic moment of impact.
The defence attorney representing the young victims underscored the lasting consequences of the accident, stating that “these are lives put on hold” due to the ongoing treatment and a two-month medically-determined incapacity for the victims. Ultimately, the court convicted the driver of unintentional injury, holding her accountable for the consequences of her actions on that December morning.
Image by Jack Brodie