In a plenary session, the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) adopted its fifth cycle evaluation report on Monaco, focusing on the prevention of corruption and the promotion of integrity within central governments and law enforcement agencies.

The evaluation process included a thorough review of anti-corruption regulations and an on-site visit by GRECO evaluators in November, 2023. The Monegasque authorities had been meticulously preparing for this visit for several months. The report praises the high quality of exchanges between Monaco and GRECO, as well as the evaluators’ consideration of the Principality’s unique characteristics.

Following the evaluation, GRECO issued several recommendations aimed at senior executive functions and law enforcement services. The Monegasque authorities now have 18 months to submit a progress report detailing the measures taken to implement these recommendations.

GRECO highlighted several proactive steps already taken by Monaco, including the establishment of anti-corruption regulations at the governmental level, the appointment of an ethics officer, the formation of an ethics committee, the completion of a risk mapping, and the initiation of a draft law on whistleblowers.

Monaco remains dedicated to advancing its anti-corruption efforts and legislative framework, continuing a commitment that has been upheld for over a decade through previous evaluation cycles.

The full evaluation report is available on the GRECO website ( and the Government portal (