The Grand Apartments of the Prince’s Palace are the venue for an exhibition called Pablo Picasso and Antiquity that will run until mid-October.

Most of the paintings on display are from the Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, founded by the artist’s grandson, Bernard Ruiz-Picasso.

The exhibition, which also marks 50 years since the painter’s death, was inaugurated by HSH Prince Albert.

In all, there are 30 of Picasso’s works, in three rooms.

Prince Albert commented: “Picasso is an immense artist who knew how to reinterpret the themes of Antiquity, to put them in his style. This resonates in a completely unique way with the 16th century frescoes discovered on the walls of the Palace and restored which also deal with heroes of Antiquity.”

PHOTO: In front of a portrait of Picasso’s wife Olga Khokhlova, Almine and Bernard Ruiz-Picasso and the exhibition’s curator, Francesca Ferrari. Prince’s Palace