The topic was ‘How Art and Art Therapy Can Improve Children’s Well-Being’ at an Art Breakfast at the Club for Foreign Residents of Monaco on Friday morning.

Taisiya Savchuk-Polishchuk of the Aleksandr Savchuk Foundation introduced author Svetlana Meteleva, who spoke about the books she has written, in Ukrainian and French, and Ukrainian and English, with the title Follow the Light,’ Aller vers la lumière.

A journalist and psychologist, Svetlana has had experience of working with traumatised children caught up in the invasion of Ukraine and her books are especially written and illustrated with the purpose of helping the young and vulnerable victims of war and state-sponsored violence.

This is a children’s art therapy book which offers a creative outlet for children to explore and express their emotions, using art as a tool for healing and self discovery.

The book was born from the desire of the Foundation’s founder, Taisiya Savchuk-Polishchuk, to help traumatised Ukrainian children deal with being displaced from their homes and unable to express themselves. Taisiya is impassioned by the role that art therapy plays in improving health and well-being and so ‘Follow the Light’ was created using the talents of author Svetlana Meteleva and illustrator Mariana Mikitiuk.

This unique book allows all children to confront their fears and difficulties by using their imagination to tap into their inner creativity and find a safe space to create their own secure world.

The Foundation’s website (in French):

PHOTOS: Top, Taisiya Savchuk-Polishchuk looks on as Svetlana Meteleva talks about her book, and (centre) Svetlana Meteleva holds a copy of Follow the Light