The Pink Ribbon Monaco association has presented a cheque for 25,000 euros to Princess Grace Hospital in favour of an innovative research project being carried out within the hospital to fight lobular breast cancer.
The aim is to adopt a new method of medical imaging to better diagnose this type of cancer, better locate metastases, and thus better treat it to improve the chances of survival by means of quick and targeted intervention.
Pink Ribbon Monaco was created in 2011 to raise funds and public awareness for the fight against breast cancer, while also assisting individual patients. Pink Ribbon runners and walkers were much in evidence last weekend during Monaco Run.
From left to right: Anthony Alberti, Benoîte Rousseau de Sevelinges, Director of CHPG, Noah Whyle (alias Dr Carter in the series Emergency (Urgences), brother of Natasha), Céline Cottalorda, Natasha Frost-Savio, President of Pink Ribbon Monaco and Dr Georges Garnier, Head of daytime shift. ©Direction de la Communication – Manuel Vitali