The Princess Charlene Foundation is celebrating its 10 years of existence, ten years of action which have seen the fulfilment of numerous educational projects, fundraising events, and sports activities.
The Foundation has striven to prevent drowning and to develop the education of children through the values of sport.
Since 2012, more than 1,000,000 people have benefited from the Foundation’s programmes in 43 countries, thanks to the hard work and determination of its partners, the Foundation said on Wednesday, December 14.
More than 510 projects have been supported and created by the Foundation in countries including Argentina, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Ecuador, France, Ghana, Greece, Japan, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Thailand, to name but a few. In 2022, new projects have been implemented in Brazil, Haiti, and Jamaica and in the French overseas departments of La Réunion and Martinique.

Founded on December 14, 2012, the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation is committed to building a world where children from all backgrounds can thrive in a safe environment and learn to live together.
HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco, witness to the devastating reality of drowning and aware of the positive changes that sport can bring to one’s life, created Her Foundation with the will to save lives and to inspire children around the world.
Sport transforms us, changes our lives – positively affecting an individual, a family, a community. Sport teaches us compassion, inspires us, and gives us hope.
To carry out its missions in favor of children worldwide, the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation supports and funds educational projects via three programmes: Learn to Swim, Water Safety, and Sport & Education.
PHOTOS: Top, © David Nivière / Sipa Press / Prince’s Palace, centre, HSH Princess Charlene at Monaco’s Christmas Ball / Eric Mathon, Prince’s Palace
ORIGINAL SOURCE & PHOTO: Princess Charlene Foundation