Russell Crump, Vice-President of Chances for Children, a Monaco Association, and his wife Gabrielle recently brought the founder and one of their youngsters to the Principality to talk about the life-changing charity ‘Chances for Children’ in Uganda.
Russell has been instrumental in bringing the charity from one 10 square-metre hut to where it is today, caring for more than 50 children.
His bold vision is to help build a charity that doesn’t always have its hand out for donations, but is self-sufficient.

“Our cause is to take the children off the streets, give them three square meals a day, a quality education and all the love we can as we nurture them through their early and adolescent lives.
“Our current operation cares for 54 orphaned children from the age of seven to 18. We have been running for eight years and are gathering momentum to create the world’s first community centre that is self-sufficient. Our goal is to build a centre where the operational income covers all the needs of the orphaned children.
“Eight years ago we had a hut which we inherited which housed all the children in squalor. Today, once our building is finished we will have a modern house with small dormitories each housing four children. We will have a medical centre catering for the 7,500 local people, a proper football pitch, a swimming pool, housing for 200 orphaned children and rentable business units for the local community to ply their trades whilst offering apprenticeships to the children so they can learn much-needed work skills.
“Our centre will house a school for our children and local children for a small fee to cover all operational costs. The Ugandan children are particularly good at singing and dancing so we will have a strong music and dance facility.

“Our current sponsorship program covers most of our children but we are wholly reliant on donors and donations. We are benefactors of several generous individuals but we need to bring the corporate donations in to support the centre’s development. Our target to complete the centre is approximately $1,000,000 and thus far we have raised and used approximately 130,000 euros.
“As a charity we are registered in Monaco, The United Kingdom and Uganda. We are very transparent and ensure every dollar raised goes to the children.”
PHOTOS: Main, Russell Crump, Livercy and Martin, and Gabrielle Crump, centre, Livercy speaking about her own experiences and how the charity helped her and many others, at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Moncai, bottom, some of the children at Chances for Children say an exuberant ‘thank you.’