On Friday February 25 and Saturday February 26, from 10:00 until 20:00 each day, residents will be able to bring their rubbish and unwanted items to the Port Hercule esplanade, where the Société Monégasque d’Assainissement (SMA) will take the items for recycling.
Even small household items and computer equipment will be accepted, including more problematic items such as paints, solvents, gas cylinders, as well as electronic and electrical waste.
Among the exhibitors at the event will be the Earthwake association, created by Samuel Le Bihan, the actor and François Danel, former Director General of Action Against Hunger, with the aim of finding solutions to stop the scourge of millions tonnes of plastic waste flowing into the oceans each year, with a lasting effect on health, climate and marine biodiversity.
Other stands will help raise public awareness of the problem of waste and highlight how to deal with it.
ORIGINAL SOURCE & ILLUSTRATION: Monaco Government Press Service