(HPV) infections are the cause of most cancers of the cervix. To prevent these cancers, vaccination and screening are the two strands of action that the Prince’s Government is promoting.

The vaccine against human papillomavirus is already recommended for young girls between the ages of 11 and 14, with a catch-up to 19 years old, will now be made available for young boys aged 11 to 14, again with a possible catch-up up at the age of 19.

Vaccination is the only effective protection. The first recommendation is often to wear a condom to protect against sexually transmitted infections. But this does not negate the risk of infection with papillomaviruses, since it can be transmitted by casual contact, the Government said in a press release.

This virus is transmitted by contact, men can transmit it to women and vice versa. Vaccinating boys protects unvaccinated girls and women from infection and therefore the risk of uterine and vulvar cancer. Vaccination is recommended from the age of 11 and is administered in two doses spaced six to thirteen months apart.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended.

The vaccination can be carried out by a general practitioner, pediatrician or gynecologist. The three vaccines likely to be used are reimbursed at 80 percent by the Monaco health insurance funds, while the Prince’s Government covers the remaining 20 percent if there is no mutual or complementary insurance.

FILE PHOTO: immunizationinfo.com