As the number of coronavirus cases continues to increase, the Princess Grace Hospital has set up two units dedicated to the care of coronavirus patients.

This reinforcement is intended to enable CHPG teams to cope with an increase in demand over the next few days, as forecast by the Institut Pasteur, the hospital said on Friday.

The vast majority of patients who have tested positive for coronavirus and whose symptoms are serious enough for them to be hospitalised do not require intensive care, and the hospital has strengthened its non-ICU facilities to reflect this.

A 16-bed unit was opened on November 5 for coronavirus patients with pneumonia symptoms, and this can be extended to 30 beds If necessary. Seven critical care stations have been added to the existing eight ICU beds and the four surgical monitoring beds.

Other coronavirus-positive patients continue to be hospitalised within the specialty service to which their main illness relates.

Relations with IM2S have been strengthened so that emergency osteo-articular service is hosted, during the day, seven days a week at the IM2S.

The Center Cardio-Thoracique de Monaco is also on standby to help if necessary.

Princess Grace Hospital is confident that it has sufficient beds available to deal with the increase in demand, not only from Monaco, but the surrounding municipalities to which it provides service.

Hospital visits have been suspended, except those specifically authorised by the head of department.