On Tuesday morning four members of the Prince’s Government were vaccinated against seasonal influenza, marking the effective start of the second phase of the vaccination campaign.

On October 15, the Prince’s Government began a first phase reserving as a priority vaccination for people over 65 years old residing in the Principality. The vaccination campaign has been extended to all Monegasques and residents.

As the circulation of Covid-19 remains very active, the Government strongly recommends that everyone be vaccinated.

It is important to do everything possible to limit as much as possible the combined effects of the two viruses which could circulate at the same time.

Each person residing in Monaco can obtain the vaccine free of charge at a dispensary in the Principality by showing their Monegasque or resident identity card.

Once the vaccine has been received, the patient can then have the vaccine administered by the pharmacist, a doctor or a private nurse.

The goal of the Monegasque health authorities is to get as many people as possible to be vaccinated. For this reason, the flu vaccine is, this year, fully reimbursed for anyone affiliated with the Monegasque social security (SPME or CCSS) with or without a medical prescription.

Seasonal flu and coronavirus, although caused by very different viruses, cause identical symptoms: fever, cough, fatigue, and muscle pain. A diagnosis will be facilitated if an infected person presents these symptoms, but is vaccinated against the flu.

Vaccination against influenza relieves pressure on health care facilities. Every year, flu patients come to the emergency room at CHPG, and some have complications that require hospitalisation. With an ongoing coronavirus epidemic, hospital resources must be available to take into account the more severe cases.