In an email that was received by parents of the International School of Monaco’s students late on Wednesday, September 2, the Director announced that two members of the senior school’s staff had tested positive for coronavirus. One began self-isolating before students returned to school while the other had contact with students from classes 10 to 13.
The parents of any students that are deemed to have been in close enough contact with the second member of staff to cause concern will be contacted.
The email goes on to assure parents that this eventuality has been considered in advance and the precautions that they have put in place have been “designed to minimise the potential impact”. Among these precautions are the ‘bubbles’ in which students have been placed, so that student groups do not mix. Classes 10 to 13 have been studying in a separate building and eat at a separate time to the other bubbles.
ISM did not reply to MDN’s telephone enquiries on Thursday.