Several high performance cars were stopped for speeding by a specialist traffic unit on the A8 motorway on Saturday. All of them were registered in Monaco and several of the cars were being driven by Monaco-based ATP players.
Since seven of the cars were travelling at more than 50kph above the 110 speed limit in force on that section of the motorway, their drivers were immediately deprived of their driving licences and fined 750 euros on the spot.
The speed trap was set in anticipation of the weekend’s Bull Run, in which Lamborghini drivers visit hotspots such as Cannes before assembling for inspection in Casino Square. It seems that no-one taking part in the Bull Run fell into the gendarmes’ trap, but there were plenty of other victims, all within a three-hours stretch on Saturday afternoon.
PHOTO: EDSR 06 (French departmental motorway police)