Monaco unveiled its de-confinement plans on Tuesday evening, and they are more wide-reaching than those announced earlier in the day by the French Prime Minister as well as coming into force one week earlier, on Monday, May 4, after 49 days of lockdown. In announcing the measures, Minister of State Serge Telle said that vigilance was still needed.

The Government has decided to adopt a 21-day stop-and go-approach that will involve an evaluation every third week of the success of each measure, providing the opportunity to refine or change the regulations. The aim is to achieve a way of living that is normal – almost, Mr Telle said.

The first stage of the easing of the lockdown, which will take effect from next Monday, includes the reopening of businesses except for bars, cafes and restaurants, on the basis of one customer per 4 square metres. Masks must be worn in shops, but gloves are not recommended. Masks are available at cost in small and large outlets. Gyms and sports centres will remain closed. Hairdressers and beauty salons will reopen from May 4, but only by appointment. Yachts will be able to take to sea and building sites will reopen. The bus service will return to a normal schedule.

“The main compulsory measure in offices will be a social distance of 1.5 metres between work stations and between people,” Philippe Ortelli, President of the Federation of Monegasque Employers said in an email to his members that was leaked earlier in the day. “Wearing a mask will be recommended during all interactions, and also recommended in offices, but not compulsory,” he added.

Masks will be compulsory on public transport, as in France. However, places of worship will be allowed to reopen after May 4, provided there is no contact. When bars and restaurants are allowed to reopen, preference will be given to those with terraces that can allow for social distancing.

Marking the start of a second phase, children will be welcomed back to school on a gradual basis from May 11, as in France. The Government proposes a third stage, the opening of bars, cafes and restaurants from the beginning of June, providing the previous two stages have been successful.


The Government has decided to adopt a 21-day stop-and go-approach starting May 4th 2020 that will involve an evaluation every third week of the success of each measure, providing the opportunity to refine or change the regulations.

May 4th, 2020

  • all shops (one person / 4m2), except cafes, restaurants, hotels
  • places of worship (1.5 m safety distance + mask)
  • hairdressing salons, beauty salons or treatment rooms by appointment only
  • private and public worksites
  • continuation of take-out sales (with queue regulation)
  • resumption of normal service at the Compagnie des Autobus of Monaco
  • ban on cruise ship calls
  • authorized exits from the port for private boats
  • partial resumption of traffic at the Heliport (private charters)
  • finally, resumption of activity within the Public Service, nevertheless continuing to favour teleworking and remote video conferencing. However, the administrations called upon to welcome the public will reopen their doors.

May 11th 2020

Resumption of progressive and partial activity in schools, favouring classes with exam challenges and obeying a strict framework of respect for health standards: compulsory masks for teachers and students, no school canteen, operation in half-groups , no sports lessons.

 The school calendar is as follows:

  • May 11: return of high school students (classes of 1st, Terminale and BTS)
  • May 18: schoolchildren return (6th, 3rd and AIS classes)
  • May 25: return of primaries (CP and CM2 classes)
  • All other classes do not return and continue educational work at a distance
  • No reopening of kindergartens, nurseries and the Music Academy.

June 1st 2020

From the beginning of June, and only if the sanitary conditions observed during the first two phases allow it, the Government is ready to consider the reopening of:

  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Games rooms
  • Exhibition halls
  • Cinemas
  • Sporting activities (especially individual outdoor sports)
  • Beaches and swimming pools
  • Sports halls