The Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM), powerboat racing’s world governing body, recognised the sport’s world champions at a glittering trophy ceremony in Monaco. Hosted by UIM President Dr Raffaele Chiulli, the ceremony held at the Fairmont Monte Carlo saw 58 world champions from the five powerboating disciplines honoured for their achievements during the 2023 racing season, while eight Aquabike pilots were recognised for their top position in the World Ranking of national and international races.

The ceremony culminated in the presentation of the UIM Driver of the Year and UIM Junior Driver of the Year awards, which went to French Aquabike Class Pro Ski Ladies’ World Champion Jessica Chavanne and 17-year-old Formula Future Class 5 World Champion Simon Jung from Slovakia.

“It is always a great honour to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our UIM World Champions, whose dedication, perseverance, and outstanding skills have elevated them to the pinnacle of the discipline in which they compete,” said UIM President Chiulli.

“While our sport is accessible to people of all ages, it is important to emphasise the profound significance of empowering our youth with the knowledge and passion for powerboating. With them lies an incredible opportunity to inspire the next generation and shape the future of our thrilling and dynamic sport.”

From recognising the racing potential of young world champions in the popular Formula Future class through to the presentation of the historic Sam Griffith Trophy to Class One World Champions Darren Nicholson and Giovanni Carpitella, the UIM Trophy Ceremony was a celebration of a sport that values inclusivity, sustainability and fair play in both competition and technology.

“I believe that all our efforts to promote ethical competition and sustainability have played a part in allowing our sport to be included in the next edition of the World Games in Chengdu in 2025,” added President Chiulli.

“In addition, the UIM commitment towards sustainability has also resulted in our Federation becoming a founding signatory of the Sport For Nature framework, which underlines our priority in going forward in a responsible and sustainable way for the future of the UIM and the future of youth.”