A Yellow Weather Alert has been upgraded to Orange by Meteo France for a number of Departements in the south-east of France, including the neighbouring Alpes-Maritimes.

There is an Orange Alert for high seas and coastal flooding from 18:00 on Saturday, November 4, and also for high winds. The same level of alert comes into force from 19:00 for heavy rain. The rain is expected to die down in the early hours of Sunday at the latest, but high winds will continue through Sunday.

The bad weather is blamed on a depression named Domingos passing over the region that has been upgraded to a Storm. France’s Atlantic coast can expect gusts of up to 130 kph, possibly more in places, a storm surge of 1.5 metres, and waves up to 10 metres.

Monaco can expect sunny conditions from Monday, with a temperature of 19, but it will stay breezy.