Cujo, the yacht in which Princess Diana spent her last Mediterranean holiday with Dodi Fayed, sank last weekend 18 miles off Beaulieu-sur-Mer after striking an object under the surface.

The crew attempted to save the vessel but its pumps could not deal with the flood of water that came in through a gash on her starboard close to the bow of the boat.

The French coastguard rescued all seven people on board, including the Italian owner, described as a young member of a prominent Italian business family. After the crew and guests were taken to safety salvage boats arrived but could not save the vessel which sank to the bottom of the sea, which at this location is 2,500 metres down.

Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed had been on the vessel for a romantic holiday just days before the tragic accident in Paris in August 1997 that took both their lives.

PHOTOS: Gendarmarie Alpes-Maritimes