National Council President Brigitte Boccone-Pagès took part in the 16th Conference of Presidents of the Parliament of the Small States of Europe (CPPPEE), in Luxembourg on Tuesday, June 20, and restated the fundamental importance of the small states defending their uniqueness.
Founded in Monaco in 2006, on the initiative of Stéphane Valeri, the CPPPEE is held each year to strengthen the inter-parliamentary relations of the nine small states of Europe*.
While small states are currently subject to ever greater scrutiny on the part of several international bodies, this conference was an opportunity for Monaco and the other countries to discuss the defence of their common interests and to highlight their specificities, in order to better be heard in European and international bodies.
Mme Brigitte Boccone-Pagès was accompanied by Fabrice Notari, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Commission, and by Karine Marquet, Responsible for International Affairs and Protocol.
Tuesday’s working sessions were focussed on sustainable tourism, cybersecurity issues and the parliaments of the small states of Europe in the face of new threats to the democratic institutions.
The CPPPEE invited the various Directors of Tourism of each of the countries to strengthen their economic and tourist cooperation.
Faced with the challenges looming for the small states of Europe, the President reminded her counterparts that the small size of our countries, our particularities and our agility are major assets on which we must rely in the conduct of our public policies.
The next Conference of Presidents of Parliaments of the Small States of Europe will be held in Malta in 2024.
* Andorra, Cyprus, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, and San Marino.
PHOTO: National Council President Brigitte Boccone-Pagès with other members of Monaco’s delegation ORIGINAL SOURCE & PHOTO: National Council