National Council President Brigitte Boccone-Pagès used the opportunity provided by the spring session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, on Wednesday April 26 in Strasbourg to meet other delegations from the small states of Europe.
On the sidelines of the main session, a bilateral meeting was held on the initiative of the President with the parliamentarians of San Marino, also involved in a negotiation process with the European Union. Both delegations were able to discuss at length the respective red lines of each of the countries.
The elected members of Monaco’s National Council highlighted Monaco’s specific qualities. A further meeting is planned with the Andorran delegation on the same theme.
At the instigation of the President and in parallel with actions taken by the Government, the elected members of the National Council are determined to tirelessly promote the uniqueness of the Monegasque constitutional system in order to always better defend the Principality’s specificities, its attractiveness, its sovereignty and the success of its social and economic model.
PHOTO: National Council President Brigitte Boccone-Pagès arrives in Strasbourg National Council