Besides it being a chilly evening with rain projected, around 100 people attended the (Pre) International Woman’s Day Event with Annette Anderson (Monaco USA) and Yvonne Hope-Bernhardt (British Association of Monaco) on Tuesday, March 7, at Duke Bar Monte-Carlo. They were joined by representatives from other groups, Vanessa Ilsley (Institute of Directors) and Shae Clements (The American Club of America).
All pictured here in the pose adopted as this year’s IWD theme #EmbraceEquity for Women and Girls, official permission was obtained from the International Woman’s Day organisation to use their branding for the event’s publicity.
Besides catching up with friends old and new there was a constant stream of people who sang in our karaoke session provided by Jean de Versailles Productions. More events are planned where several associations and groups join forces.
The Monaco Resident Group is looking for more venues where there is a microphone and perhaps TV screens to launch more events. The Group would particularly like to thank Mr Jean-Pierre and Mrs Alberte Escande, the owners of Duke Bar Monte-Carlo, and their lovely staff, “for going the extra mile to accommodate us and provide a surprise Karaoke session.”
To organise an event contact The Monaco Resident Group