One Run Global is uniting thousands of people from 195 countries as they run, jog, walk or move to demonstrate to the world that love is a human right. The One Run Global Challenge takes place on Human Rights Day, on December 10 at 19:00 to 20:00 at your local time. As participants begin to move in their time zone, the One Run Map will light up, burning bright with a wave of positivity.
So far, no-one from Monaco has signed up, the organisers said.
“2020 has been filled with extraordinary events, stories of inequality, injustice and hardship. We’re coming together to show the world that love is a human right and no child should be hated for who they are”, explains One Run Co-Founder Danny Bent, before adding that: “We welcome every country, every age, every ability, every gender, Every Human with open arms. This isn’t about being fit or getting a personal best. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never run – what matters is showing up and taking part in whatever way you are able.”
One Run is more than just a run, it is uniting #EveryHuman for change in a 24-hour celebration of humanity. One Run Global is encouraging participants, partners, artists and celebrities to come together and raise funds for causes that stop injustice and inequality against children. Their five charity partners are Unicef, No Bully, NOH8 Campaign, Do Something and Know Your Rights Camp.
To represent the Principality of Monaco in taking part in the worldwide event for free, click here. Otherwise, you can sign up for a small cost here and you will receive a One Run medal.